says who & seams to fit are two stores under one roof where we sell plus size consignment and NEW clothes. We love helping customers feel good in what they wear and want the clothes you find at says & seams to make your life a little easier.

- women are great in all sizes, shapes, and stages of life - 

Shopping consignment at seams to fit is a way to recycle, save money and express your unique style. The fun is in the hunt. We offer a wide selection of well-edited consignment pieces that change daily and seasonally. We look for things with timeless qualities no matter what the decade they were made. We accept clothes every day with generous consignment hours. See hours in CONTACT US

says who carries a small selection of new clothes from vendors such as URU, Tianello, and Comfy as well as the says who label that is manufactured in the USA and in Bali. 


- shopping is always an opportunity to surprise yourself with the unexpected -

Every year we participate in ‘One Warm Coat’ drive, we donate monthly to senior centers and other charitable organizations. We believe repurposing is essential to the practice of sustainability. Please keep us company. We respect and salute our customers of 32 years and appreciate that you keep coming back.


- we hope you’ll find hundreds of excuses to slip on what you buy at says and seams -

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